Tug Crew Rescues Parrot
First Published in Daily Cargo News
Through the heroic efforts of the crew of two tugboats in Victoria’s Western Port, an exotic Alexandrine parakeet named Buddy, lost for a week, found its way back to its owner.
“It was exhausted and sought refuge on the stern of the Svitzer Olivia,” tug master Christian Messer said. “Amazingly, it was tame enough for us to approach it and even climbed onto my shoulder.”
The crew of the Olivia and Svitzer Edwina contacted a local veterinary clinic, which advised them to put out an alert on the parrot-finder website, www.parrotalert.com.
The tuckered-out parrot and its relieved owner were soon reunited. Buddy had flown 30km
from home and survived a week in the wild.