Svitzer AMEA pioneers female training program
Meet Engine Cadet, Nayera Mohamed
The 1st of March 2022 was an important milestone for Svitzer global, and especially for Svitzer AMEA, as a new training program in Egypt saw the light of day and welcomed 12 female cadets.
The training program is a vital element in the efforts to improve female representation in the AMEA region. Up until recently, there were no female seafarers in the region but after a dedicated effort to change that, 21 female seafarers are now employed in AMEA and more will soon follow.
The region does not have a strong tradition for promoting diversity and creating equal opportunities and equity in the maritime industry and so special actions have had to be taken to make female seafarers a natural part of the workforce. The female training program in Egypt is a result of that.
In the video you can meet Engine Cadet Nayera Mohamed, who shares a glimpse of her day as well as her dreams and ambitions for the future.