Protected Industrial Action Update – 1 November

Protected Industrial Action Update – 1 November

*Please note article has been updated to reflect accurate Fremantle work stoppage period*

Dear Customers and Stakeholders

Svitzer has received further notices of protected industrial action today affecting ports and operations at ports including Fremantle, Kwinana, Sydney, Port Kembla, Newcastle, Brisbane, Cairns and Mourilyan.

This includes work stoppages at Fremantle, Kwinana and Sydney for most of Friday 4 November and into Saturday 5 November, as described below.

All times provided are local times and are a combination of MUA, AIMPE and AMOU members taking protected industrial action.

Summary of Protected Industrial Action:

  • Fremantle (4 & 5 November)

    • Work stoppage from 07:00 – 17:00  – 10 hours
    • Work stoppage from 19:00 – 03:00 (Saturday 5 November) – 7 hours

    Kwinana (4 & 5 November)

    • Work stoppage from 08:00 – 18:00 – 10 hours
    • Work stoppage from 20:00 – 06:00am (Saturday 5 November) – 10 hours

    Sydney (4 & 5 November)

    • A stoppage of work for 8 hours duration commencing at 20:00 on 4 November 2022 until 04:00 5 November 
    • A 24 hour ban on the performance of work on specific shipping line vessels (this customer has already been advised directly) from 0000, 4 November 2022 
    • A 24 hour ban on performing recall and/or relief work from 0001, 4 November 2022. 
    • Unavailability of fixed term employees outside of rostered duty on 4 November.

    Port Kembla, Newcastle, Cairns and Mourilyan (4 November)

    Further bans on relief and recall work and crew availabilities:

    • A mixture of 24 hour bans on relief availability and unavailability of casuals and part time and fixed-term contract employees on 4 November
      • Note this is expected to have specific operational impacts at Cairns and Mourilyan.    

    Brisbane, Cairns and Mourilyan

    • An indefinite ban on training (including a ban on training crew).

We recognise the notices of industrial action and their impact on operations are at times complex and confusing. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Svitzer point of contact should you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your ongoing understanding and patience at this time.

We sincerely apologise for this ongoing disruption. 

Nb. Summary of action below – searchable table by Port with detail of impact at bottom of this post.

Definition /  explanation of industrial actions

Ban on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty:  Our crews work 12 hour shifts with some flexibility to go over 12 hours for a small amount of time such as 30 minutes as over time. This ban will remove that flexibility that each crew will only work 12 hours. If a job is scheduled that may bring them over 12 hours they will not start that job. This does not mean that we cannot provide 24 hour service. It means tugs need to be scheduled differently and our operations team will work closely with VTS teams to minimize any delays that may occur as a result of this ban. It is difficult to predict impact as it depends on the schedule in the port on the day.

Ban on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break: Our crews take relevant meal/rest breaks flexibly to accommodate port shipping schedule. This ban removes that flexibility that each crew will take a 30 minute break if they have operated continuously for 5 hours. It means tugs need to be scheduled differently and our operations team will work closely with VTS teams to minimize any delays that may occur as a result of this ban. It is difficult to predict impact as it depends on the schedule in the port on the day.

Ban on performing recall and/or relief work by masters, engineers or deckhands: Bans on being recalled from leave and performing relief work. This effectively removes relief capacity at several ports and the ability to service operations should there be any absences, illness or leave.

Summary table of current Protected Industrial Action
as at 1 November 2022

PortState Date of ActionPeriodType of Industrial Action(s)
Albany2022-11-01 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Albany2022-11-01 08:00:00indefiniteBan on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break
Albany2022-11-03 07:00:0024hours24 hour work stoppage from 0700
Albany2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Albany2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Albany2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Adelaide2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Adelaide2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Adelaide2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Adelaide2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022Ban on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Adelaide2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Brisbane2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break
Brisbane2022-11-01 09:00:0072 hoursban on training masters, engineers and ratings
Brisbane2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Brisbane2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Brisbane2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022Ban on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Brisbane2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Brisbane2022-11-04 00:00:00indefiniteAn indefinite ban on training crew – except for training relating to statutory drills and emergency preparedness
Cairns2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Cairns2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break
Cairns2022-11-01 00:01:0024 hours24 hour work stoppage
Cairns2022-11-02 00:00:0024 hours24 hour work stoppage
Cairns2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Cairns2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Cairns2022-11-04 00:00:0024 hourscasual employees not available for duty commencing at 00:01
Cairns2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursPermanent part time employees unavailable for work outside of rostered duty
Cairns2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursfixed term employees that are tug masters unable to work outside of rostered duty
Cairns2022-11-04 00:00:00indefiniteAn indefinite ban on training crew – except for training relating to statutory drills and emergency preparedness
Cairns2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Eden2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Eden2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Eden2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Fremantle2022-11-01 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Fremantle2/11/2022 00.0024 hoursBan on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Fremantle2022-11-03 07:00:0024hours24 hour work stoppage from 0700
Fremantle2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Fremantle2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Fremantle2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022Ban on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Fremantle2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Fremantle2022-11-04 07:00:005 hourswork stoppage from 07:00 until 12:00
Fremantle2022-11-04 13:00:004 hourswork stoppage from 13:00 until 17:00
Fremantle2022-11-04 19:00:008 hourswork stoppage from 19:00 until 3am
Geraldton2022-11-01 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Geraldton2022-11-03 12:00:004 hours4 hour work stoppage from 1200 (midday)
Geraldton2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Geraldton2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Geelong2022-11-04 00:01:0072 hours – until 11.59pm 6 Novban on performance of overtime, including recalls from leave
Geelong2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Geelong2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Kwinana2022-11-01 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Kwinana2022-11-01 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break
Kwinana2022-11-03 08:00:0024 hours24 hour work stoppage from 0800
Kwinana2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Kwinana2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Kwinana2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022Ban on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Kwinana2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Kwinana2022-11-04 08:00:0010 hourswork stoppage from 08:00 until 18:00
Kwinana2022-11-04 20:00:0010 hourswork stoppage from 20:00 until 06:00am on Saturday 5 November (overnight)
Lucinda2022-11-01 00:01:0024hour24hour work stoppage
Lucinda2022-11-02 00:01:0024-hour24hour work stoppage
Lucinda2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Lucinda2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Lucinda2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Melbourne2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Melbourne2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on entering data into a Svitzer system
Melbourne2022-11-01 08:00:0024 hourban on performing recall and/or relief work
Melbourne2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Melbourne2022-11-04 00:01:0072 hours – until 11.59pm 6 Novban on performance of overtime, including recalls from leave
Melbourne2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Melbourne2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022Ban on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Melbourne2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Mourilyan2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Mourilyan2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break
Mourilyan2022-11-01 00:01:0024hour24hour work stoppage
Mourilyan2022-11-02 00:00:0024 hours24 hour work stoppage
Mourilyan2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Mourilyan2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Mourilyan2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Mourilyan2022-11-04 00:00:0024 hourscasual employees not available for duty commencing at 00:01
Mourilyan2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursPermanent part time employees unavailable for work outside of rostered duty
Mourilyan2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursfixed term employees that are tug masters unable to work outside of rostered duty
Mourilyan2022-11-04 00:00:00indefiniteAn indefinite ban on training crew – except for training relating to statutory drills and emergency preparedness
Newcastle2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Newcastle2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on enetering data into a Svitzer system
Newcastle2022-11-01 08:00:0024 hourban on performing recall and/or relief work
Newcastle2022-11-03 08:00:0024 hourwork stoppage / unavailability by certain Masters – Part Time employees
Newcastle2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Newcastle2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Newcastle2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Newcastle2022-11-04 00:00:0024 hourscasual employees not available for duty commencing at 00:01
Newcastle2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursPermanent part time employees unavailable for work outside of rostered duty
Newcastle2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursfixed term employees that are tug masters unable to work outside of rostered duty
Port Kembla2022-11-01 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Port Kembla2022-11-01 08:00:0024 hourban on performing recall and/or relief work
Port Kembla2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Port Kembla2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Port Kembla2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Port Kembla2022-11-04 00:00:0024 hourscasual employees not available for duty commencing at 00:01
Port Kembla2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursPermanent part time employees unavailable for work outside of rostered duty
Port Kembla2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursfixed term employees that are tug masters unable to work outside of rostered duty

PortState Date of ActionPeriodType of Industrial Action(s)
Port Pirie2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Port Pirie2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Port Pirie2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on beginning a job that will take employees past the 12th hour of continuous duty
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on continuous operation of vessel or vessels for a period in excess of 5 hours without a 30-minute rest break
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-10-28 08:00:00IndefiniteBan on entering data into a Svitzer system
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-01 08:00:0024 hourban on performing recall and/or relief work
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022Ban on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:00:008 hoursa work stoppage for 8 hours from 20:00 on 4 November until 06:00 on Saturday 5 November (overnight)
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:00:0024 hoursBan on performance of work on certain shipping line vessels (customers have been contacted directly already)
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursfixed term employees that are tug masters unable to work outside of rostered duty
Sydney (Port Jackson & Botany)2022-11-04 00:01:0024 hoursa 24 hour ban by tug masters on performing recall and/or relief work
Westernport2022-11-03 00:01:0027 days – ends midnight 30 Nov 2022ban on performing recall and/or relief work by engineers
Westernport2022-11-04 00:01:0072 hours – until 11.59pm 6 Novban on performance of overtime, including recalls from leave
Westernport2022-11-04 00:01:006 days – until 11.59 10 Novban on inputting data into maintenance system
Westernport2022-11-04 00:01:007 days – until 11.59pm 10/11/2022ban on undertaking online training courses


Regional Commercial Team
Sara Gerdner Kalle
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
Local contact


Regional Commercial Team
Rutger Thulin
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
Local contact


Regional Commercial Team
Veronica Jensen
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
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Regional Commercial Team
Ralph Franjul
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
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