Chief Finance Officer (CFO)
Knud Winkler
Executive Management member Knud Lind Winkler has been with Svitzer as CFO since 2013.

Knud Winkler has been CFO of Svitzer since October 2013. Prior to his appointment as CFO, Knud Winkler worked as Head of Performance & Analysis at A.P. Moller – Maersk. Knud Winkler is currently also the CEO of Svitzer Salvage Holding A/S and Svitzer Caribbean A/S. He has been chair of the board of directors at Ardent Worldwide Ltd. and Ardent Holdings Ltd. Knud Lind Winkler holds a Master of Science in Business Administration and Auditing from University of Aarhus, School of Business and Social Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Computer Science from University of Aarhus, School of Business and Social Sciences.
- Nationality: Danish
- Born: 1971
- Gender: Male
- Year of first employment with Svitzer: 2013
- Year of appointment to current position in Svitzer: 2013