Our company

Making marine operations safer and more efficient, every time, everywhere

Svitzer has provided safety and support at sea since 1833. We are continuing this tradition as the global market leader within towage and marine related services.

Svitzer provides a crucial link in the Australian supply chain with more than 50,000 tug movements a year, making our ports safer and more efficient. Svitzer Australia is also the largest private employer of Australian seafarers.

Meet our leaders

Videlina Georgieva

Videlina Georgieva

Managing Director, Australia

Svitzer Australia

Our Svitzer Australia business first began in 2007 with the acquisition of Adsteam Marine. We are now the largest private employer of Australia’s seafarers.

Svitzer Australia employs more than 1000 people completing over 50,000 harbour towage tug jobs annually in Australia alone.

We utilise a modern fleet of over 100 vessels, servicing 28 ports and terminals around Australia and PNG. We are proud of our contribution to the Australian community.

Our proud history

Svitzer has been providing safety and support at sea since 1833. Our founder Emil Zeuthen Svitzer was an entrepreneurial tradesman who saw the potential of establishing a salvage business because of the many unfortunate losses occurring on trade routes to and from Denmark.

With roots stretching back nearly two centuries, we’re not only a company with a history, but a company with a strong heritage. Part of that heritage is a distinct set of principles passed down from our company’s founder that guide our focus on safety, people, vessels and solutions. These principles have helped us become a company that our customers value for our safety, reliability, local focus and commitment to doing business in a sustainable manner.

The cornerstone of our business is unconditional respect for each other and the world we live in. Svitzer sets the highest standards of training and knowledge in our industry, and encourage a culture of safety, innovation and entrepreneurship among everyone who works with us.

Helping our customers

We work with our customers and the port community to ensure we deliver safe, reliable and predictable services.

We are actively working with the Australian shipping community to provide added value to the supply chain. Our purpose is to deliver safer and more efficient ports in Australia.

We recognise that our industry is growing and customer needs are changing. Our latest tug investments are helping to berth larger container ships, enabling larger volumes and exchanges.

Since 2016 we have invested over $200m in our fleet to meet customer and market needs.

We understand the emerging competitive nature of our industry. We welcome competition as it drives us to constantly challenge ourselves and strive for greater efficiency. We will continue to explore different models of service provision to support the industry.

Our focus has and will always remain on making Australian ports safer and more efficient.

By delivering on our purpose, we will help our customers achieve theirs.

Our Global links

Since 1833, Svitzer has provided safety and support at sea. With 4,000 employees, a fleet of 430 vessels and operations all over the world, we are the global market leader within towage and emergency response.

Svitzer is a global company with operations all over the world/ From the icy waters off the Siberian coastline to the sun scorched ports of Chile, Svitzer vessels carry out their tasks with care and precision.

Every operation has its own challenges that need to be solved, and the aggregated experience is part of what makes Svitzer the most reliable provider of undisrupted marine services in the industry.


Regional Commercial Team
Sara Gerdner Kalle
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
Local contact


Regional Commercial Team
Rutger Thulin
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
Local contact


Regional Commercial Team
Veronica Jensen
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
Local contact


Regional Commercial Team
Ralph Franjul
Regional CCO
For operational matters, please find local contacts below
Local contact